Refer A Friend

Starbucks, Cheeseckae Factory, Home Depot, Barnes and Noble, Target, and Belk gift cards

Refer A Friend

We’d like to say “thank you” for your kind referrals of family and friends to our practice. So, for a limited time, you’ll receive a $30 gift card each time you refer a new patient to our practice.* That’s EACH new patient. Refer a handful of co-workers and pick up a stack of cards!


In addition, each person you refer will also receive a $30 gift card at the conclusion of their first visit.** It’s a win/win/win proposition! You win, your friend or family member wins, and our practice wins a new, satisfied, long-term patient! Hey, what could be more fun?


(Which card will you choose?)

* Card Choices subject to change, based on availability
** First visit is defined as a comprehensive exam and recommended x-rays. New guests only.

a woman sitting at a table using a laptop

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